dealing with environmental emergencies and provision of environmental consultation services

Integrated Management System Policy (IMSP) of Limek plus, spol. s r.o.

Limek plus, spol. s r.o. provides complete environmental protection services which involves, specifically, a treatment and disposal of hazardous wastes, particularly soil and water contamined by oil and oil-based substances. The company also provides environmental emergency services as well as the environmental consultation services.

All the company's activities are based on the consistent observation of relevant regulations, legislation and directives concerned with environmental protection, on the principles of systematic prevention of environmental pollution when dealing with wastes (particularly the hazardous wastes) and on the rapid and efficient implementation of the customers' requirements.

Limek plus, spol. s r.o. undertakes:

Limek plus, spol. s r.o. prefers to implement a speficific waste management methods that result in waste minimisation and continues looking for opportunities to reuse wastes as seondary raw material in order to support and implement principles of continuous sustainable development.

Limek plus, spol. s r.o. develops and maintains its integrated management system policy (IMSP) which comprises the quality control management system, environmental protection management system and the system for implementing targets based on the current legislation and statutory requirements concerning environmental impact and quality control management.

Limek plus, spol. s r.o. undertakes to continue implementing its IMSP, keeping it current and up to date, as well as expanding and developing this policy in order to continue improving the environmental profile of the company.

Limek plus, spol. s r.o. undertakes to regularly inform the employees, suppliers and customers of the company?s of the current ISMP, while expecting its employees to fully identify with the company?s targets and to be actively involved in further development of the ISMP. As part of the annual revision, the company will be reassessing the current status of this policy together with its suitability and adequacy to reflect existing situation. To keep the employees and the public informed, the policy will be accessible on the Limek company?s website and it will be also displayed on the company premises at Chržín.

Ivan Šimáček

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